BankART Studio NYK 〜港の隠れ処で上質なひと時を〜
BankART Studio NYK: spend a superior time at a hiding place in a port

Posted : 2016.03.18
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アンバサダーズジャパンの坂口祐太さんが訪れた2か所目のスポットが「BankART Studio NYK」。横浜港の運河に面したアート拠点です。


BankART Studio NYKとは
BankART Studio NYKは横浜港の運河に面したアート拠点。ホールやギャラリーでは、国内外で活躍するアーティストの様々な展覧会や公演などが行われている。1953年築の倉庫を改装した施設で、コンクリート打ちっぱなしの円柱が引き締まった空間を演出。同時に、1階には「Cafe & Pub」や本・グッズを扱う「Shop」があり、誰でも気軽に立ち寄れます。表通りに面していないため、意外と知られておらず隠れ処的なのも魅力。みなとみらいなど華やかな印象の横浜ですが、港町なので周辺にはかつてたくさんの倉庫が。そういった歴史も背景にあるツウなスポットです。個人的にはあまり多くの人には教えず、密かに利用したい場所なのですが、特別に紹介します…。

What kind of place is BankART Studio NYK?
BankART Studio NYK is an art center facing the canal of Yokohama Port. Various exhibitions and various lectures of artists who are active both domestically and abroad are held at its hall and gallery. It is a facility that is made from a restored warehouse built in 1953. In the facility exposed-concrete pillars make the air tense. There are also “Cafe & Pub” and “Shops” dealing in books and goods on the 1st floor, so everyone can drop in freely. Its being in hiding is part of the attraction because it doesn’t face the main street and it’s surprisingly not known to people. Though to most people the impression of Yokohama includes features like Minatomirai, it being a port city, there once were many warehouses around this site. It is an advanced spot from such historical background. Personally, I resist from referring many people to this place so that I keep using it secretly. However, I am specially introducing this place to you.


Where is it?
On an alley off Kaigandori Street, the closest street to the sea side of Kannai district. The street is faced by NYK Maritime Museum and the Yokohama Customs buildings. The alley to the hiding place is between Yokohama Building and Kanagawa Prefectural Police, and in the front of “Kaigandori 2 chome” traffic signal. It may be difficult to find it but this is part of the fun.


【Cafe & Pubで贅沢な時間を過ごす】

How to enjoy it
【Have a nice time at Cafe & Pub】
There are stylish tables and chairs in a calm atmosphere of the renovated warehouse and art products such as tablecloths and photos that add an accent to the space. Views from tables on the terrace somehow have a profound atmosphere though they are familiar objects such as the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and the Yokohama Bay Bridge. The canal spreads out before your eyes when seated in some spots and below your eyes while seated in other spots.  At night the bus stopping in a corner becomes… Please see what it becomes with your own eyes. In addition, it is also its own attraction. As such, its business hours have been extended (from 11 AM to 11 PM) so as you can use it in various ways such as for lunch, as a café and pub. As for the prices, coffee is 200 yen, beer is 450 yen and Pasta costs 500 yen. The prices are so reasonable. There are also a strip of valued tickets.

 BankART03  BankART04
 BankART05  BankART06


ShopにはBankARTに関係しているアーティストの本や写真集、DVDが置かれています。中にはアーティストが自費出版し持ち込んだ本など、ここにしか売られていないものもあるそうです。敷居が高いように感じるかも知れませんが、横浜の建築にフォーカスした写真集や街おこしに関する本など誰でも楽しめる本も多数あります。また、アーティストのグッズも購入可能です。グラスや手ぬぐいなど日常生活で使える作品もあります。Cafe & Pubに隣接しているので、気軽にのぞいてみて下さい。

【Buy artistic books and goods at Shop】
Shop has books, photo books and DVD of artists related to BankART. Among them are books you can get only in this place; for example books artists publish, meet the publishing expenses on their own and bring them to the Shop. Though you might find uneasy at the first place, there are also many other books anyone can enjoy such as those about Yokohama’s architecture and urban development. In addition, you can buy crafts made by artists. These are products you can use in daily life such as glasses and towels. The place for these is adjacent to Cafe & Pub, so please feel free to visit it.

 BankART07  BankART08

【異空間・kawamata Hallを見学】

同じく1階にあるのがkawamata Hall。国内外で活躍するアーティスト・川俣正氏の作品をアートイベントなどのホールとして利用できる空間です。一見、スタイリッシュにも思えますが、そこに立っていると何かに飲み込まれているような不気味さもあります。イベントなどがないときは見学自由なので是非体感してみては。

【Take a look at kawamata Hall, unusual space】
Kawamata Hall is on the 1st floor as well as Cafe & Pub and Shop. It is the space where the works of Tadashi KAWAMATA, an artist that is active both domestically and abroad, are displayed and events are held. At first sight you may think it is stylish but when you stand there, you might experience the weird sensation of feeling like you’re being swallowed into something. You can observe it freely if there is no event being held, so I recommend you experience it.


運が良ければ、2・3階で行われている展覧会を見学出来ます。無料で行われているものも多いので、気軽に立ち寄れるのが魅力。また、毎年4月から6月には「BankART Artist in Residence」と呼ばれるプロジェクトがあり、35組ほどのアーティストやチームがこの場所で制作活動を行います。受付で芳名すればどなたでも見学できます。生の制作現場を見られる貴重な機会です。

【Soak in the world of art】
If you are lucky, you can attend an exhibition held on the 2nd floor or 3rd floor. It is an attraction that you can visit at your own time because usually many exhibitions are held with free entry. Furthermore a project called “BankARTArtist in Residence” is run from April to June every year where about 35 sets of artists and teams create products in this place. Anyone can attend it so long as they sign their name at the reception desk. It is a precious chance to know how artists make art and crafts.

昨年のBankART Artist in Residenceの様子。PHOTO:RYUSUKE OONO

昨年のBankART Artist in Residenceの様子。PHOTO:RYUSUKE OONO


いかがでしたでしょうか。皆さんも、BankART Studio NYKで特別な時間を過ごしてみませんか。アートに興味の無い方でも十分楽しめますし、ここをきっかけにアートに興味を持った方には様々な入口が。BankARTが主催するスクールやArtist in Residenceがあなたをアートの世界へと誘います。スクールでは毎回講師や他の生徒と交流出来るそうですよ。

BankART11最後にすぐ近くの隠れた名店を紹介。横濱ビル地下1階にあるのは昨年末オープンの「MAKOON YOKOHAMA」。早くも地元で注目を集める洋菓子屋さんです。家族や同僚への手みやげにお勧めです。

Welcome to a hiding place in the port
Wouldn’t you like it? How about spending your special time at BankART Studio NYK? Even people who are not interested in arts can adequately enjoy it. As for those that will have become interested in arts because of this place, there are still various other art forms prepared. Through classes sponsored by BankART and the program called “Artist in Residence”, you could be invited into the world of arts. In class you can converse and share experiences with teachers and other students every time.
At last I would like to introduce a nice shop known only to a few. “MAKOON YOKOHAMA” which is located on the 1st basement in Yokohama Building and was opened at the end of last year. It is a cake shop that has drawn the locals’ attention already. It is a nice place to buy a present for your family or colleagues.

坂口 祐太 (Yuta SAKAGUCHI)
アンバサダーズジャパン株式会社 代表取締役。
草の根親善大使が地元や専門分野の魅力を世界に発信するプラットフォーム「Ambassadors Japan」を運営。自身も横浜の魅力を発信中。webにとどまらず地域の魅力を紹介するツアーやイベントも行っている。東京での民間企業勤務を経て、開港記念日に会社を設立。現在は関内のシェアオフィス・マスマスを拠点に活動している。